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Online Numerology Roundtable
Catalog No. NumerologyRoundtable

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Join Numerologist Glynis McCants for a Live Online Numerology Roundtable!

When: Saturday, June 15th.
Where: The Roundtable will take place on Zoom, so you can use your computer, or your phone.
Time: 1pm-4pm PST/4pm-7pm EST


This Online Numerology Roundtable is where you learn more about yourself and the people in your life by dissecting each Numerology Blueprint with Glynis!

There is so much misinformation about how Numerology works, and Glynis will clarify what is accurate, and WHAT IS NOT. She will also lay out what you can expect in the next six months so you can make your most important plans with the inside scoop!

If something is going on in your life right now that you really need to understand, that is her specialty!

When you attend this Numerology Roundtable, you may submit one important question that YOU really need an answer to, and Glynis will give you a detailed response ($195 Value!)

Questions Such As:

I want to launch my own company, and need your help in picking the best name to make sure it is successful.

Should I stay in the relationship I'm currently in, or is it time to move on?

I feel like this year is not going in the right direction for me. What can I do to get on track?

I have a co-worker who I work with closely, and she's always so rude to me. Can you please look at our Numerology chart comparison, and let me know if there is anything I can do to make things better?

**We will be studying Numerology Blueprints throughout the roundtable so you will learn how to read Numerology charts and interpret them accurately the way Glynis does!

A Special Numerology Worksheet is provided making it very easy for you to follow along.

**This Online Numerology Roundtable will be recorded, and you will get a copy to refer back to what was said.**

Concerned about what question to ask Glynis? No Worries!
Sign up for the Roundtable, and then submit the question to her afterwards, and Glynis will audiotape a detailed response to your question, and email it to you.

Limited seating- tickets are non-refundable.


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