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Online Healing Your Body Event
Catalog No. AffirmingGreatHealth
$75.00 (Regular $99.00)

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Numerologist Glynis McCants presented an Online Healing Your Body Workshop using Numerology and Affirmations.
This Workshop took place originally on 4/24/2024.

** For those of you having health issues, Glynis is making the recordings of this workshop available to you until 9/20/2024.**
Below is what she covered, and what you will gain access to:

Since we are in the World Number 8 (2024=2+0+2+4=8), this is an important year to focus on your physical health. Glynis has noticed a significant uptick from her clients letting her know about the various health issues they have been experiencing this year.

With this in mind, Glynis is presenting an Online Healing Your Body Workshop using the power of Affirmations and Numerology as her tools.

You will meet Glynis in a Zoom room, and she will cover what kind of health issues each Life Path Number can be prone to, and then lead a full 15-minute Healing Affirmation during the workshop to get you started on your healing journey.

Important Note: If your health is good right now, but you have a history of bad health in your family, the information in this Online Affirming Great Health Workshop can be used to help prevent any major health issues in your future!

Glynis will teach YOU how to use these Healing Affirmations Created Exclusively for this Online Healing Workshop. She will explain why they work, and give you helpful tips on how to get the best results!

Each week for 30 days, you will get a new 15-minute Healing Affirmation audio emailed to you from Glynis to keep you motivated!(four in total)

Glynis will be doing some live interactive readings with people in the workshop to talk about their specific Numerology Blueprint, and what they are going through physically.

**A Special Worksheet will be provided for this Online Healing Workshop, and the event will be recorded so you can refer back to everything that was said.


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